All Time Money Raised
2024 Goal
Children Helped
Impacting Families for 10+ Years
We measure our success in actual lives changed. These stories are a testament to the difference that communities can make when we come together to create lasting change.
When Salvation Army organizers sifted through donations from Midland, Michigan, on Dec. 4, they found something more than the typical handfuls of change and dollar bills: An engagement ring and a handwritten note.
Little Jayden was dying boy that brought incredible inspiration and hope to an entire community. Before he died, he told his father that he knew God needed him. Little did he know, but his faith and attitude started an amazing chain reaction that helped SO many people.
501 (c)(3) Private operating foundation
EIN 46-1889688
DONOR PRIVACY POLICY: Jayden Lamb Memorial Foundation (JLMF) takes donor privacy seriously and treats all financial information about any transaction you have with the JLMF as highly confidential. In addition, JLMF does not sell, trade or share a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.
Address: Jayden Lamb Memorial Foundation
P.O. Box 1083 Midland, MI 48641
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